import "system.hi" using system def main: unit = _ = print "Hello 2010!";
Which for most scripting languages would be totally uninteresting, but in this case is somewhat more interesting, since I linked it with this:
namespace system ( using string interface Text = \t => #t where ( def to_text: t -> text ) def print: ::Text t => t -> unit = [ t -> print_text (t.to_text t) ] def txt: ::Text t => t -> text = [ t -> t.to_text t ] def print_text: text -> unit = [ t -> f = get_stdout nop; u = file_print f (str t); u ] ) namespace system ( interface Length = \a => #a where ( def to_length: a -> int ) def length: ::Length t => t -> int = \x -> x.to_length x ) namespace list ( using system type list = \a => [nil | cons a (list a)] def list_compare: ::Ord a => list a -> list a -> int = [ nil , nil -> 0 | nil , _ -> 0-1 | _ , nil -> 1 | cons x xx, cons y yy -> if x == y then xx yy else x y ] def list_length: list a -> int = [ nil -> 0 | cons x xx -> 1 + (list_length xx) ] instance ::Ord a => Ord (list a) where ( def compare: list a -> list a -> int = list_compare ) def list_to_text: ::Text t => list t -> text = u = [_txt cc -> cc]; c = [ x -> u (x.to_text x) ]; m = fix [ m, f, nil -> nil | m, f, cons x xx -> cons (f x) (m f xx) ]; p = fix [ p, nil, yy -> yy | p, cons x xx, yy -> cons x (p xx yy) ]; f = fix [ f, nil -> nil | f, cons x xx -> p x (f xx) ]; x = cons '[' nil; y = cons ',' nil; z = cons ']' nil; // x = u "["; // y = u ", "; z = u "]"; t = fix [ t, nil -> nil | t, cons x nil -> cons x nil | t, cons x0 (cons x1 xx) -> cons x0 (cons y (t (cons x1 xx))) ]; [ xx -> yy = m c xx; yy = t yy; yy = f yy; yy = f (cons x (cons yy (cons z nil))); _txt yy ] instance ::Text t => Text (list t) where ( def to_text: list t -> text = list_to_text ) instance Length (list t) where ( def to_length: list t -> int = list_length ) ) namespace string ( using system using list type string = list char def text_to_string: text -> string = [ _txt cc -> cc ] def string_to_text: string -> text = [ cc -> _txt cc ] def lift: (string -> string) -> text -> text = [ f, _txt cc -> _txt (f cc) ] interface Str = \t => #t where ( def to_string: t -> string ) def str: ::Str t => t -> string = [ t -> t.to_string t ] instance Str bool where ( def to_string: bool -> string = [ b -> text_to_string (txt b) ] ) instance Str char where ( def to_string: char -> string = [ c -> text_to_string (txt c) ] ) instance Str int where ( def to_string: int -> string = [ i -> text_to_string (txt i) ] ) instance Str text where ( def to_string: text -> string = [ t -> text_to_string t ] ) ) namespace system ( using string def trace: ::Text t => t -> t = [ t -> _ = print "(trace:"; _ = print t; _ = print ")\n"; t ] def trace_application: ::Text a ::Text b => (a -> b) -> a -> b = [ f, x -> [ x, y -> _ = print "(trace:"; _ = print x; _ = print " -> "; _ = print y; _ = print ")\n"; y ] x (f x) ] def banner: ::Text a => a -> unit = stars = fix [ st, 0 -> list.nil | st, n -> list.cons '*' (st (n - 1)) ]; p = fix [ p, list.nil, xx -> xx | p, list.cons y yy, xx -> list.cons y (p yy xx) ]; [ t -> t = str (txt t); l = length (text_to_string (txt t)); l0 = 70 - l; l1 = l0 / 2; l2 = l0 - l1; t = p (stars l1) (p t (stars l2)); print (string_to_text t) ] ) namespace system ( interface Num = \a => #a where ( def plus: a -> a -> a def min: a -> a -> a def mul: a -> a -> a def div: a -> a -> a ) def +: ::Num a => a -> a -> a = \x,y -> x y def -: ::Num a => a -> a -> a = \x,y -> x.min x y def *: ::Num a => a -> a -> a = \x,y -> x.mul x y def /: ::Num a => a -> a -> a = \x,y -> x.div x y ) namespace system ( interface Ord = \a => #a where ( def compare: a -> a -> int ) def ==: ::Ord a => a -> a -> bool = \x,y -> int_eq ( x y) 0 def !=: ::Ord a => a -> a -> bool = \x,y -> int_eq ( x y) 1 def <: ::Ord a => a -> a -> bool = \x,y -> int_less ( x y) 0 def <=: ::Ord a => a -> a -> bool = \x,y -> int_less ( x y) 1 def >: ::Ord a => a -> a -> bool = \x,y -> int_less ( y x) 0 def >=: ::Ord a => a -> a -> bool = \x,y -> int_less ( y x) 1 def comp1: ::Ord a => a -> a -> int = [ x0,x1 -> x0 x1 ] def comp2: ::Ord a => ::Ord b => a -> a -> b -> b -> int = [ x0,x1,y0,y1 -> c = x0 x1; if c == 0 then y0 y1 else c ] def comp3: ::Ord a ::Ord b ::Ord c => a -> a -> b -> b -> c -> c -> int = [ x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1 -> c = x0 x1; if c == 0 then comp2 y0 y1 z0 z1 else c ] def comp4: ::Ord a ::Ord b ::Ord c ::Ord d => a -> a -> b -> b -> c -> c -> d -> d -> int = [ x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,p0,p1 -> c = comp2 x0 x1 y0 y1; if c == 0 then comp2 z0 z1 p0 p1 else c ] def comp5: ::Ord a ::Ord b ::Ord c ::Ord d ::Ord e => a -> a -> b -> b -> c -> c -> d -> d -> e -> e -> int = [ x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,p0,p1,q0,q1 -> c = comp2 x0 x1 y0 y1; if c == 0 then comp3 z0 z1 p0 p1 q0 q1 else c ] def comp6: ::Ord a ::Ord b ::Ord c ::Ord d ::Ord e ::Ord f => a -> a -> b -> b -> c -> c -> d -> d -> e -> e -> f -> f -> int = [ x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,p0,p1,q0,q1,r0,r1 -> c = comp3 x0 x1 y0 y1 z0 z1; if c == 0 then comp3 p0 p1 q0 q1 r0 r1 else c ] ) namespace system ( def fix: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b = [ f -> f [x -> (fix f) x] ] def id: t -> t = [ x -> x ] ) namespace system ( type unit = [ nop ] def voiden: a -> unit = [ _ -> nop ] ) namespace system ( using system using Num type bool = [ true | false ] def not: bool -> bool = [ true -> false | _ -> true ] def and: bool -> bool -> bool = [ true, true -> true | _ , __ -> false ] def or: bool -> bool -> bool = [ false, false -> false | _ , __ -> true ] def eq: bool -> bool -> bool = [ false, false -> true | true , true -> true | _ , __ -> false ] instance Ord bool where ( def compare: bool -> bool -> int = [ false, false -> 0 | true, true -> 0 | false, _ -> 0-1 ] ) instance Text bool where ( def to_text: bool -> text = [ false -> "false" | _ -> "true" ] ) ) namespace system ( using list // type int = [ MININT | ... | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | MAXINT ] type int = {} def int_monadic_min: int -> int = \v0 -> {math.int_mon:int[v0:int]} def int_dyadic_min: int -> int -> int = \v0,v1 -> {math.int_sub:int[v0:int,v1:int]} def int_add: int -> int -> int = \v0,v1 -> {math.int_add:int[v0:int,v1:int]} def int_mul: int -> int -> int = \v0,v1 -> {math.int_mul:int[v0:int,v1:int]} def int_div: int -> int -> int = \v0,v1 -> {math.int_div:int[v0:int,v1:int]} def int_compare: int -> int -> int = \v0,v1 -> {math.int_compare:int[v0:int,v1:int]} def int_eq: int -> int -> bool = \v0,v1 -> [0 -> true | _ -> false] (int_compare v0 v1) def int_less: int -> int -> bool = \v0,v1 -> {math.int_less:int[v0:int,v1:bool]} def int_magic_tick: unit -> int = \v0 -> [ v1 -> {math.int_magic_tick:int[v1:void]} ] 0 instance Num int where ( def plus: int -> int -> int = int_add def min: int -> int -> int = int_dyadic_min def mul: int -> int -> int = int_mul def div: int -> int -> int = int_div ) instance Ord int where ( def compare: int -> int -> int = int_compare ) def int_to_text: int -> text = c = [ 0 -> '0' | 1 -> '1' | 2 -> '2' | 3 -> '3' | 4 -> '4' | 5 -> '5' | 6 -> '6' | 7 -> '7' | 8 -> '8' | 9 -> '9' ]; p = fix [ p, nil, x -> cons x nil | p, cons y yy, x -> cons y (p yy x) ]; s = fix [ s, n ? n < 0 -> cons '-' (s (0-n)) | s, n ? n < 10 -> cons (c n) nil | s, n -> n0 = n / 10; n1 = n - (n0 * 10); p (s n0) (c n1) ]; [ n -> _txt (s n) ] def text_to_int: text -> int = dg = [ '0' -> 0 | '1' -> 1 | '2' -> 2 | '3' -> 3 | '4' -> 4 | '5' -> 5 | '6' -> 6 | '7' -> 7 | '8' -> 8 | '9' -> 9 | _ -> (0-1) ]; ti = fix [ ti, acc, nil -> acc | ti, acc, cons '-' dd -> 0 - (ti acc dd) | ti, acc, cons d dd -> d = dg d; if d < 0 then ti acc dd else ti ((10 * acc) + d) dd ]; [ _txt cc -> ti 0 cc ] instance Text int where ( def to_text: int -> text = int_to_text ) ) namespace system ( type char = {system.char} def char_ascii_code: char -> int = \c0 -> {math.char_ascii_code:int[c0:char]} def char_ascii_char: int -> char = \c0 -> {math.char_ascii_char:char[c0:int]} def char_compare: char -> char -> int = \c0,c1 -> int_compare (char_ascii_code c0) (char_ascii_code c1) instance Ord char where ( def compare: char -> char -> int = char_compare ) instance Text char where ( def to_text: char -> text = [ c -> _txt (list.cons c list.nil) ] ) ) namespace system ( using system using list using string type chars = { chars } def chars_allocate: int -> chars = [ sz -> {mem.allocate:pointer[sz:int]} ] def chars_free: chars -> unit = [ p -> {[p:pointer]} ] def chars_set: chars -> int -> char -> unit = [ p, n, v -> {mem.set_char:char[p:pointer, n:int, v:char]} ] def chars_get: chars -> int -> char = [ p, n -> {mem.get_char:char[p:pointer, n:int]} ] def chars_blank: chars -> int -> unit = [ p, n -> v = 0 ; {mem.set_byte:void[p:pointer, n:int, v:int]} ] def chars_is_blank: chars -> int -> bool = [ p, n -> [ 0 -> true | _ -> false ] {mem.get_byte:int[p:pointer, n:int]} ] def string_to_chars: list char -> chars = cf = fix [ cf, s, n, nil -> chars_blank s n | cf, s, n, cons c cc -> _ = chars_set s n c; cf s (int_add 1 n) cc ]; [ cc -> l = length cc; s = chars_allocate (int_add l 1); _ = cf s 0 cc; s ] def chars_to_string: chars -> list char = cs = fix [ cs, p, n -> if chars_is_blank p n then nil else cons (chars_get p n) (cs p (int_add n 1)) ]; [ p -> cs p 0 ] def text_to_chars: text -> chars = [ t -> string_to_chars (text_to_string t) ] def chars_to_text: chars -> text = [ t -> string_to_text (chars_to_string t) ] ) namespace system ( using system using string using list type file = { file } def get_stdin: unit -> file = [ u -> {io.get_stdin:pointer[u:void]} ] def get_stderr: unit -> file = [ u -> {io.get_stderr:pointer[u:void]} ] def get_stdout: unit -> file = [ u -> {io.get_stdout:pointer[u:void]} ] def fgetc: file -> int = [ f -> {io.fgetc:int[f:pointer]} ] def fputc: file -> int -> unit = [ f, c -> {io.fputc:void[f:pointer, c:int]} ] def fputs: file -> chars -> unit = [ f, c -> {io.fputs:void[c:pointer, f:pointer]} ] def fput_char: file -> char -> unit = [ f, c -> {io.fput_char:void[f:pointer, c:char]} ] def fget_char: file -> char = [ f -> {io.fget_char:char[f:pointer]} ] def feof: file -> int = [ f -> {io.feof:int[f:pointer]} ] def fis: file -> int = [ f -> {io.fis:int[f:pointer]} ] def fopen: chars -> chars -> file = [ f, m -> {io.fopen:pointer[f:pointer, m:pointer]} ] def fclose: file -> int = [ f -> {io.fclose:int[f:pointer]} ] def fend: file -> bool = [ f -> [ 0 -> false | _ -> true ] (feof f) ] def mode_read: text = "r" def mode_read_write: text = "r+" def mode_write: text = "w" def mode_write_read: text = "w+" def mode_append: text = "a" def mode_append_read: text = "a+" def file_is: file -> bool = [ f -> [ 0 -> false | _ -> true ] (fis f) ] def file_open: text -> text -> file = [ ff, mm -> n = text_to_chars ff; m = text_to_chars mm; f = fopen n m; _ = chars_free n; _ = chars_free m; f ] // XXX: should be fstat, unsafe - but portable def file_exists: text -> bool = [ fn -> f = file_open fn mode_read; _ = fclose f; file_is f ] def file_close: file -> unit = [ f -> n = fclose f; nop ] // XXX:should throw an exception here def file_input: file -> list char = [ f -> c = fget_char f; if fend f then nil else cons c (file_input f) ] def file_print: file -> list char -> unit = [ f, nil -> nop | f, cons c cc -> _ = fput_char f c; file_print f cc ] def file_read: text -> text = [ ff -> f = file_open ff mode_read; cc = file_input f; u = file_close f; string_to_text cc ] def file_write: text -> text -> unit = [ fn, t -> f = file_open fn mode_write; _ = file_print f (str t); u = file_close f; u ] def file_scribe: text -> list text -> unit = fp = fix [ fp, f, nil -> nop | fp, f, cons t tt -> _ = file_print f (str t); fp f tt ]; [ fn, tt -> f = file_open fn mode_write; _ = fp f tt; u = file_close f; u ] def argc: unit -> int = [ u -> {io.get_argc:int[u:void]} ] def argv: int -> text = [ n -> s = {io.get_argv:pointer[n:int]}; t = chars_to_text s; t ] def args: unit -> list text = aa = fix [ aa, n -> if n >= (argc nop) then nil else cons (argv n) (aa (n+1))]; [u -> aa 0 ] ) namespace system ( using list using string type text = [ _txt (list char) ] instance Text text where ( def to_text: text -> text = [ t -> t ] ) instance Ord text where ( def compare: text -> text -> int = [ _txt t0, _txt t1 -> list_compare t0 t1 ] ) def concat: text -> text -> text = c = fix [ c, nil, yy -> yy | c, cons x xx, yy -> cons x (c xx yy) ]; [ _txt cc0, _txt cc1 -> _txt (c cc0 cc1) ] def text_to_string: text -> list char = [ _txt cc -> cc ] def squash: list text -> text = [ nil -> "" | cons t tt -> concat t (squash tt) ] instance Length text where ( def to_length: text -> int = \t -> length (str t) ) ) namespace system ( type tuple_t0 = [ tuple_0 ] type tuple_t1 = \t0 => [ tuple_1 t0 ] type tuple_t2 = \t0 \t1 => [ tuple_2 t0 t1 ] type tuple_t3 = \t0 \t1 \t2 => [ tuple_3 t0 t1 t2 ] type tuple_t4 = \t0 \t1 \t2 \t3 => [ tuple_4 t0 t1 t2 t3 ] type tuple_t5 = \t0 \t1 \t2 \t3 \t4 => [ tuple_5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 ] type tuple_t6 = \t0 \t1 \t2 \t3 \t4 \t5 => [ tuple_6 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 ] type tuple_t7 = \t0 \t1 \t2 \t3 \t4 \t5 \t6 => [ tuple_7 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 ] type tuple_t8 = \t0 \t1 \t2 \t3 \t4 \t5 \t6 \t7 => [ tuple_8 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 ] type tuple_t9 = \t0 \t1 \t2 \t3 \t4 \t5 \t6 \t7 \t8 => [ tuple_9 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 ] instance Text tuple_t0 where ( def to_text: tuple_t0 -> text = [ tuple_0 -> "()" ] ) instance ::Text t0 => Text (tuple_t1 t0) where ( def to_text: tuple_t1 t0 -> text = [ tuple_1 t0 -> t = concat (txt t0) ")"; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 => Text (tuple_t2 t0 t1) where ( def to_text: tuple_t2 t0 t1 -> text = [ tuple_2 t0 t1 -> t = concat (txt t1) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 => Text (tuple_t3 t0 t1 t2) where ( def to_text: tuple_t3 t0 t1 t2 -> text = [ tuple_3 t0 t1 t2 -> t = concat (txt t2) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 ::Text t3 => Text (tuple_t4 t0 t1 t2 t3) where ( def to_text: tuple_t4 t0 t1 t2 t3 -> text = [ tuple_4 t0 t1 t2 t3 -> t = concat (txt t3) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t2) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 ::Text t3 ::Text t4 => Text (tuple_t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4) where ( def to_text: tuple_t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 -> text = [ tuple_5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 -> t = concat (txt t4) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t3) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t2) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 ::Text t3 ::Text t4 ::Text t5 => Text (tuple_t6 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5) where ( def to_text: tuple_t6 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 -> text = [ tuple_6 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 -> t = concat (txt t5) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t4) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t3) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t2) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 ::Text t3 ::Text t4 ::Text t5 ::Text t6 => Text (tuple_t7 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6) where ( def to_text: tuple_t7 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 -> text = [ tuple_7 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 -> t = concat (txt t6) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t5) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t4) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t3) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t2) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 ::Text t3 ::Text t4 ::Text t5 ::Text t6 ::Text t7 => Text (tuple_t8 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7) where ( def to_text: tuple_t8 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 -> text = [ tuple_8 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 -> t = concat (txt t7) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t6) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t5) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t4) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t3) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t2) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance ::Text t0 ::Text t1 ::Text t2 ::Text t3 ::Text t4 ::Text t5 ::Text t6 ::Text t7 ::Text t8 => Text (tuple_t9 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8) where ( def to_text: tuple_t9 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 -> text = [ tuple_9 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 -> t = concat (txt t8) ")"; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t7) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t6) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t5) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t4) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t3) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t2) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t1) t; t = concat ", " t; t = concat (txt t0) t; t = concat "(" t; t ] ) instance Ord tuple_t0 where ( def compare: tuple_t0 -> tuple_t0 -> int = [ tuple_0, tuple_0 -> 0 ] ) instance ::Ord t0 => Ord (tuple_t1 t0) where ( def compare: tuple_t1 t0 -> tuple_t1 t0 -> int = [ tuple_1 t0, tuple_1 t1 -> comp1 t0 t1 ] ) instance ::Ord t0 ::Ord t1 => Ord (tuple_t2 t0 t1) where ( def compare: tuple_t2 t0 t1 -> tuple_t2 t0 t1 -> int = [ tuple_2 t0 t1, tuple_2 t2 t3 -> comp2 t0 t2 t1 t3 ] ) instance ::Ord t0 ::Ord t1 ::Ord t2 => Ord (tuple_t3 t0 t1 t2) where ( def compare: tuple_t3 t0 t1 t2 -> tuple_t3 t0 t1 t2 -> int = [ tuple_3 t0 t1 t2, tuple_3 t3 t4 t5 -> comp3 t0 t3 t1 t4 t2 t5 ] ) ) namespace opt ( using system type opt = \t => [ just t | nothing ] def nothing_test: opt t -> bool = [ nothing -> true | _ -> false ] def value: opt t -> t = [ just x -> x ] def sequential: (a -> opt b) -> (b -> opt c) -> (a -> opt c) = [ f, g, x -> [ nothing -> nothing | just y -> g y ] (f x) ] ) namespace memory ( using system type pointer = { pointer } def allocate: int -> pointer = [ sz -> {mem.allocate:pointer[sz:int]} ] def free: pointer -> unit = [ p -> {[p:pointer]} ] def sizeof_int: unit -> int = [ u -> {mem.sizeof_int:int[u:void]} ] def get_int: pointer -> int -> int = [ p, n -> {mem.get_int:int[p:pointer, n:int]} ] def set_int: pointer -> int -> int -> unit = [ p, n, v -> {mem.set_int:int[p:pointer, n:int, v:int]} ] def sizeof_char: unit -> int = [ u -> {mem.sizeof_char:int[u:void]} ] def get_char: pointer -> int -> char = [ p, n -> {mem.get_char:char[p:pointer, n:int]} ] def set_char: pointer -> int -> char -> unit = [ p, n, v -> {mem.set_char:char[p:pointer, n:int, v:char]} ] def sizeof_byte: unit -> int = [ u -> {mem.sizeof_char:int[u:void]} ] def get_byte: pointer -> int -> int = [ p, n -> {mem.get_byte:int[p:pointer, n:int]} ] def set_byte: pointer -> int -> int -> unit = [ p, n, v -> {mem.set_byte:int[p:pointer, n:int, v:int]} ] def is_null: pointer -> bool = [ p -> {mem.is_null:int[p:pointer]} ] )
I spotted two bugs just by putting it here, time for that documentation generator.
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