Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Log 080410

It compiled again. Running on the tests didn't give escape bugs anymore. Now running on the sources, in two hours see if I can get a proper fixed point.

Still, a bit worried about performance. I know I can get it to run in 15mins instead of 15hrs trivially, that's a big gain which will help developing it. Looked at SPJs talks and mesmerizing about his comment on having naive compilers in the eighties. I knew all that, never assumed I could get ocaml or ghc speed out of it with the current compilation scheme, but the numbers at the moment hint more in the direction of perl and python than my aim, somewhere in between javac and lua, or as fast as a standard lisp compiler.

Question is: Is the combinator based translation the bottle-neck? If so, it doesn't make sense to try and build a i86 back-end for the pseudo-assembly.

(Maybe there is no problem? Not sure, it spends a lot of time printing, which means concatenating large character strings which is just more expensive than traversing a simple AST a few times. I'll see.)

Later: The two hour compile succeeded. The bootstrap does run on itself. Diff shows minor differences between the C sources of the two compilers (as far as I could see, backslashes instead of quotes). It looks like it does compile itself again. Going for cigarettes, see if it gives a fixed point after that.

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