Friday, August 20, 2010

Staging C

I should get rid of the intermediate assembly and just be able to output staged C. For that, I need two things: 1) compile-time support of evaluation, 2) be able to inject C source code into a combinator.

Looks doable.

I read a bit on Dalvik. I wondered about the performance issues it had, or has, there is no clarity on that, and compressed vs naive byte-code, small vs large register sets, and stack-based vs register based optimizations.

First question, is Dalvik slower because compression gives more levels of indirection? Second question, is Dalvik slower because it's easier to JIT a smaller instructions set? Last question, is it just easier to optimize a stack based machine because liveness analysis of objects is easier? Or is it all just the natural course and this just takes several years?

At the same time, I write too much since it takes too much time to build a new bootstrap. I need to set up a chain for that, now I spend time waiting too long, fix a bug -or two- and manually updating files and changing directories. (Basically, a boostrap needs to be able to compile itself twice over before I have any guarantee the damned thing works.)

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